How Mockmate works

Built to help you interview

We know what it’s like to look for a job. We also know how hard it is to answer “tell me about yourself” in an interview. 

That’s why we built Mockmate to support job searchers (& companies) with automated interviewing, and analysis backed by organizational psychologists. 

What is Mockmate?

Mockmate is an intelligent job interview simulator.

Mockmate helps candidates interview better through practice interviews with immediate feedback.

“Mock” interviews with Mockmate. 

Get Interview questions from real companies

Practice in real time with questions directly taken from their official questions banks. Get questions from relevant industries like consulting or marketing as well!



Wonder what type of questions marketers and non-engineering positions get? Practice with us



Nervous about knowing your principles and how to answer the questions correctly? Practice with us

AB Inbev

AB Inbev

Get real questions from AB Inbev and land the job you dream of.



Get real questions from MBBs and practice your fit interviews.

Type, speak or record video

Job seekers can use Mockmate to learn and improve their responses to more than 800 interview questions. 

Respond by typing, speaking (audio) or recording a video. 

Reply and review, edit and redo, if necessary. 

Submit your answer and our proprietary algorithm provides instant feedback!

Mockmate interview features

AI Analysis

Our machine-learning algorithm analyses interview answers and provides feedback based on your performance.

Tailored Advice

Candidates can get immediate feedback on performance, complete with specific advice and examples of best answers.

Question Bank

Our database of more than 800 questions can be presented randomly or matched to the job description.

Voice Recognition

Talk to us! Speaking best simulates a real interview. Reply, type, re-do.

Your interview partner

Companies large and small can use Mockmate to streamline their interview process, improving efficiency and avoiding biases. 

Choose from our 800+ interview questions, or, create your own. 

Candidates are scored and ranked objectively.

HR professionals can replay & review all candidate answers.

Plus, download the Mockmate report to share with your team.

student learning

Train, learn and grow

For job seekers and universities, users can improve their interview skills.

“Mock” is a kind of practice interview. 

“Mate” is your buddy. 

We’re your interview friend.

We have more than 800+ interview questions to help ace the interview so you can get the job.

Real-time feedback

Objective interviews based on content and meaning.

Our proprietary algorithm analyses answers, instantly.

Mockmate can go even further to assess the answers in line with responsibilities, when you optionally copy/paste the job description. 

real time feedback home page

Ready to go? Find the right Mockmate for you

For job seekers and students

Practice interviewing

For businesses and career professionals

Improve your hiring process