Automate job interviews
for your business

Hire faster with automated interviews with video, audio, or text,
you can interview everyone Mockmate is an intelligent online
job interview simulator

Screen loading interview

Interviews built to power your business 

Interviewing candidates takes time, which costs money.

With our AI-powered interview software, you can interview more people, and hire more quickly. 

Helping job seekers state strengths and refine weaknesses

For job seekers, our interview software helps practice more than 440 standard behavioral interview questions. Our AI provides immediate feedback.

use technology to interview

Mockmate - practice friend

“Mock” is a kind of practice interview.
“Mate” is your buddy.
We’re your interview friend.

Users can answer more than 440 questions by typing a reply, or recording audio or video.

Our proprietary artificial intelligence algorithm gets to work, giving immediate and objective analysis on their answers.

Interview more, get better talent

With automated interviews, more people can be considered for open roles, opening up opportunities for candidates and employers. For each job opening, companies review:

  • 250 applicants.
  • Around 20% have matching profiles
  • Only 2% are called for an interview.

Interview all matching profiles, and increase your talent pool, by automating interviews with Mockmate.

Interview more
step up equal

Fighting biases with objective and traceable hiring

Unconscious racism, ageism, and sexism can impact who gets hired.

Companies with more diverse workforces perform better financially and are more innovative. 

Intentional or not, employers and applicants lose when biases are in play. Mockmate ensures hiring is objective and traceable.

Ready to go? Find the right Mockmate for you

For job seekers and universities

Improve your interview skills with Mockmate

For businesses and teams of any size

Mockmate interviews candidates for you