An Update On Our Startup, Mockmate & Some Exciting News...

“Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

  • Ferris Bueller, from the classic 80s movie “Ferris Buellers’ Day Off”

We’ve been working full time on Mockmate for 5 weeks now! Feels like a lifetime, because so much has changed. And it’s all good news!

First up, what are we building? An Intelligent Job Interview Simulator

Mockmate generates random behavioral questions and analyzes the answers of candidates using specific criteria.

How are we doing so far?

We have 2,600 monthly users to our website, and 450 monthly users to our app. We’re loving these numbers because we have so many improvements to make! No doubt we’ll grow!

What else is new?

Today we’re celebrating being Y Combinator Startup School certified 🎉

Startup School is a free online program for founders actively pursuing their own startup, and Waina has officially completed the program and joined the community.

Our pilot projects with companies: how can you benefit?

Mockmate helps companies shortcut the hiring process by helping to interview candidates online, with our intelligent job interview simulator.

Each corporate job opening attracts on average 250 resumes. More than 20% are interesting profiles, but only 2% will be called for an interview. And, the average time-to-fill a role is 38 days

We help to save time and money by interviewing your candidates through our simulator. Interested to participate in this (free) pilot? Let us know!

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