
Mockmate helps job seekers with automated interviews

About {Mockmate!, the team., how we help you. }

Disrupting hiring and recruitment

Applying for a job can be really tough. We know – our startup team has applied to literally thousands of jobs. 

And then there’s hiring. Hundreds of applicants for one job. Endless back-and-forth to schedule interviews. 

Mockmate is a better, faster way to do hiring, with interviews for all!

mockmate logo

Mockmate's mission

Our mission is to use technology to improve getting a job and the entire hiring process, unlocking opportunity for candidates, and growing the talent pool for companies. 

We’re starting with our AI job interview.

vision mission Mockmate
career progress

Mockmate’s vision

Our vision of the future of work is remote and efficient, for candidates and companies, with equal opportunities without human biases.

Mockmate has a special focus on building a better world with equal opportunities for all.

Diversity and inclusion first

Diversity helps people and businesses. Companies with more diverse workforces perform better financially and are more innovative. And, diversity unlocks innovation

With objective and traceable hiring, Mockmate can help reduce biases in the interview process.

black lives matter

Mockmate, a fast-growing startup

“Mock” means practice, “mate” is a friend.
Mockmate is your smart practice interview friend.

Mockmate is a startup. We’re small but mighty, working out bugs and delivering a killer product to disrupt recruiting. In 2021, we completed the Techstars Accelerator. 

We’re all for job seekers. Join our community and laugh with us on Instagram.

The Mockmate Team

Mockmate is automated, but we're not. Here's who works behind the scenes.

The Mockmate Team

Waina Landauro

Waina Landauro

Founder and Product

Waina Landauro

Founder and Product
Meg Kenna

Meg Kenna


Meg Kenna


Our teams' experience

Work with us - join the team!

Want to help us create a better interview process? 

Or are you interested to invest in a promising startup? 

Can you offer something we need? Let us know!

Learn more about Mockmate

They talk about us in the media

Read our frequently asked questions